The KPK has minimal achievements under the leadership of Firly Bahuri
Over a period of 2 years, the KPK received more attention because of a number of internal controversies, which even involved the leaders. Instead of showing achievements, both Firli Bahuri, Lili Pintauli Siregar, Nawawi Pomolango, Alexander Marwata and Nurul Ghufron actually showed a lot of controversy in society. This sentence was conveyed directly by Zaenur Rahman who is a researcher at the Center for Anti-Corruption/PUKAT UGM. The controversy at the KPK, after being weakened through the revision of the KPK Law, is slowly surfacing. Starting from the alleged ethical violations committed by Firli Bahuri, who had a luxurious lifestyle, using helicopters, and the ethical violations of the KPK commissioner, Lili Pintauli Siregar, by dealing with the litigants.
The peak of the controversy was the dismissal of 57 KPK employees on the pretext of not passing the national insight test or TWK. PUKAT UGM together with Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and Transparency International Indonesia (TII) issued a number of notes from the results of the two-year monitoring of Firli Cs’ leadership.
First, the lack of clarity on the legal political direction for eradicating corruption. According to them, since 2019, it seems that eradicating corruption has not been made a priority agenda by the government. Eradication is even more directed to the prevention sector. Even that is dominated by jargon without initiating a systemic program that has a significant impact to bring about change.
Second, the implications of the revision of the KPK Law. Zaenur said, the impact of regulatory changes at the KPK has been felt for at least the last two years. The substance of Law 19/2019 is in fact intended to relax the KPK’s task of eradicating corruption. Starting from tearing down institutional independence to become part of the executive branch, stopping the investigation into the BLBI corruption case with state financial losses of Rp. 4.58 trillion, to changing employment status to State Civil Apparatus (ASN).
Third, the performance of the enforcement sector is increasingly worrying. Their record, at least, can be seen from a number of things, such as the stagnation of supervision of big cases such as the corruption case in the handling of the Supreme Court fatwa involving Djoko S Tjandra, and Attorney Pinangki S Malasari. Then the number of Hand-Catching Operations or OTT which is considered to have dropped since the last two years, and the lack of handling of strategic cases involving law enforcement.
Fourth, the performance of the prevention sector has not been effective. Adjustments to the anti-corruption approach driven by the state and the KPK have yet to show significant results, said Zaenur. Then the revision of the KPK Law which is claimed to strengthen the prevention sector, at the same time does not sufficiently accommodate the need to strengthen the prevention program itself.
Finally, fifth, the KPK’s internal management is bad. Issuance of Commission Regulation or Perkom No. 7 of 2020 concerning Organization and Work Procedures is considered to have no significant urgency. Changes in the structure of the KPK in PerKom 7/2020 are considered to be able to slow down the performance of KPK organs and have an impact on the amount of the budget that must be spent. While other institutions are trying to streamline their organizational structure, the KPK is actually going in the opposite direction. Apart from that Perkom 7/2020 also conflicts with the substance of the KPK Law.
The performance of the Corruption Eradication Commission has recently been increasingly scrutinized because it is considered to have lost its strength. In fact, the anti-corruption agency also did not perform its duties in disclosing the case of alleged corruption in the export of crude palm oil (CPO) recently. The Executive Director of the Indonesian Civil Society Circle (LIMA) as well as a political observer, Ray Rangkuti, said that the KPK should have been whipped up because the Attorney General’s Office was working on the alleged cooking oil corruption case.
This incident has at the same time triggered the KPK to be actively involved in this eradication of the mafia in this cooking oil circulation circle,” Ray said in the discussion “The Palm Cooking Oil Cartel Conspiracy Must Be Completely Investigated!” quoted via Warta Ekonomi. In contrast to the KPK, the Attorney General’s Office managed to steal attention because of this case. Apart from the KPK, he also highlighted the attitude of the police who seemed reluctant to enforce the law against the eradication of the cooking oil mafia. In fact, the disclosure of this case should have also become a whip for the police in uncovering corruption cases which are increasingly concerning. This is a kind of lashing out to the KPK. Of course we hope that this will also serve as a lashing for the police to be actively involved, yes, in terms of eradicating the mafia in the cooking oil circle and of course in other basic commodities.
The KPK is also called selective in carrying out acts of investigating corruption cases. Such as allegations of corruption and money laundering of Jokowi’s two children, namely Gibran Rakabuming and Kaesang Pangarep. In fact, the alleged corruption and money laundering cases of Gibran Rakabuming and Kaesang Pangarep have been stopped by the KPK. Meanwhile, the Corruption Eradication Committee (KPK) is eager to investigate the Formula E fee commitment. In fact, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) has audited the financing report issued by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government for the Formula E event. The BPK has found no allegations of corruption as alleged.
Failed through DPRD DKI Jakarta. Anies Baswedan is now being targeted by the KPK. Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has poured hundreds of billions of rupiah into organizing the Formula E event for the next three years. The KPK was accused of being selective. Formula E based on the BPK audit did not find any corruption. The KPK’s performance is questionable. Including the disappearance of Harun Masiku who the KPK failed to find. The Ahok corruption case has evaporated at Sumber Waras Hospital and Tanah Cengkareng. In fact, allegations of corruption and money laundering involving Jokowi’s children have been stopped without examining Gibran Rakabuming and Kaesang Pangarep.
The KPK has the impression of being discriminatory and playing practical politics by examining Anies Baswedan. The integrity and neutrality of the KPK is questionable. The KPK is selective. Anies was targeted, Ahok and Gibran were released. Anies Baswedan was framed in such a way by a certain party in collaboration with the oligarchic network at the KPK. It was as if Anies Baswedan was involved in the alleged corruption case in Formula E. A very cruel and terrible slander. Certain political elites and parties conspired to decompose Anies Baswedan so that Anies Baswedan’s electability and popularity would stop. It must at least be disturbed to stagnate. They are trying to work through certain parties, the KPK and buzzers to thwart and stop Anies Baswedan’s path to the presidency in 2024.
The performance of the KPK can also be seen from the record that the KPK achieved in the Era of Firli Bahuri et al, namely that every year there is an Ethics Session for Leaders. The KPK under the leadership of Firli Bahuri et al is said to have had the most dealings with the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas). The era of KPK leadership Volume V is called a subscription to the ethics trial. In fact, every year, there is an ethics trial for leaders who are suspected of violating ethics. From 2020 to 2022.
Firli Bahuri is the 2019-2023 KPK Leader along with Alexander Marwata, Nawawi Pomolango, Nurul Ghufron, and Lili Pintauli Siregar. They were sworn into office in December 2019. A few months after the controversial new KPK Law came into effect. Not long after he was sworn in, allegations of ethical violations by the KPK leadership began. Those who are often reported are Firli Bahuri and Lili Pintauli Siregar.
In June 2020, Firli Bahuri was reported to the KPK Council by the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI). He was reported in connection with the use of a helicopter during a visit to Baturaja, June 20 2020. The KPK Dewas then followed up on this report. However, this report has only entered the trial stage in August 2020. As a result, Firli is considered to have violated the integrity and leadership points of the KPK’s code of ethics. Even though he was declared to have violated ethics, Firli was only given a light sanction in the form of a written warning II. The former South Sumatra Police Chief was asked not to repeat his actions. “On trial, stated that the examinee was proven to have violated the code of ethics,” said the Chairperson of the KPK Council, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, in an open trial which was broadcast live streaming on September 24, 2020. Stack.
In August 2021, it will be Lili Pintauli Siregar’s turn to be tried by the KPK Council. Lili Pintauli was reported to be related to two things. First, it is suspected of establishing communication with the party currently in a case at the KPK, namely the Mayor of Tanjungbalai, M. Syahrial. Second, it is suspected that he used his position for personal gain, namely asking Syahrial to help his sister-in-law regarding remuneration. Lili Pintauli’s actions were proven. He was punished with severe sanctions. However, the severe sanction is only a 40% reduction in basic salary for a year. In fact, Lili’s actions in communicating with the litigants were included in criminal offenses as stipulated in the KPK Law. However, the KPK, including the KPK Supervisory Board, did not follow up. This year 2022, Lili Pintauli will return to sit on the green table of the KPK Board of Trustees. This time it was related to the alleged receipt of a number of facilities and tickets to watch the Mandalika MotoGP. For Lili Pintauli, she became the Chairman of the KPK volume V, which was often reported for alleged ethical violations. There are at least 4 reports against him. One of them is currently on trial. The employee who was fired because of TWK said that from the start when Firli Bahuri et al were elected as commissioners, it was suspected that the KPK would face a number of problems.
Author: AYU KHOIRUNITA - NIM 228221021
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