BREAKING NEWS: Juliari Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison in Bansos Corruption Case
Former Minister of Social Affairs Juliari Batubara was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined Rp 500 million by a panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) on Monday (23/8/2021).
The panel of judges assessed that Juliari was proven to have violated Article 12 letter a of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001.
“Declaring that the defendant, Juliari P Batubara is legally and convincingly guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption jointly and continuously, as the first alternative indictment,” said Chairman of the Panel of Judges Muhammad Damis in a virtual trial broadcast via the Corruption Eradication Commission’s (KPK) YouTube account.
“The defendant was sentenced to 12 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 500 million with the condition that if he did not pay, he was replaced with a six-month prison sentence,” said the judge.
In addition, the judge also imposed an additional penalty to pay compensation of Rp. 14,590,450,000 or around Rp. 14.59 billion. If not replaced, can be replaced with imprisonment for two years.
The judge also revoked Juliari’s political rights or the right to be elected for four years.
This verdict is heavier than the KPK prosecutor’s demands. Previously, the PDI-P politician was sentenced to 11 years and a fine of Rp. 500 million, a subsidiary of six months in prison by the KPK prosecutor.
Prosecutors assessed that Juliari was proven to have accepted bribes in the procurement of the Covid-19 social assistance package for the Jabodetabek 2020 area of Rp 32.48 billion.
In addition, Juliari was also charged with a substitute sentence of Rp. 14.5 billion and had his political rights revoked for four years.
In his indictment, the prosecutor stated that the former Social Minister ordered two of his subordinates, namely Matheus Joko and Adi Wahyono, to ask for a fee of Rp. 10,000 for each Covid-19 social assistance package from the provider company.
Ask to be released
Previously, Juliari Batubara asked to be acquitted in the corruption case in the procurement of the Covid-19 social assistance package (bansos) for the Jabodetabek area in 2020.
Juliari’s request for acquittal was conveyed when reading the memorandum of defense or pleidoi in a follow-up trial, Monday (9/8/2021).
“Therefore, my request, my wife’s petition, the petition of my two young children, as well as my extended family’s request to the Honorable Panel of Judges, end our suffering by acquitting me of all charges,” said Juliari from the KPK building via video conference to the Jakarta Corruption Court’s Panel of Judges.
Juliari said that the judge’s verdict would have a huge impact on the family.
Moreover, said Juliari, his role is much needed as a father.
“The decision of the noble assembly will have a very big impact on my family, especially my children who are still underage and still really need my role as their father,” he said.
Juliari said that he never intended to commit acts of corruption.
“As a child who was born, I was raised in a family that upholds integrity and honor. And I never had the slightest intention or thought of corruption,” he said.
He told me that he came from a family that served in the world of education.
This background, he continued, made him cooperate with the KPK.
“My family has always been active in the field of education, especially secondary education. My family is one of the founders of a secondary education foundation that has been around for decades in Jakarta and has produced thousands of alumni,” said Juliari.
“This background made me consciously surrender myself to the KPK to show my cooperative attitude towards this case,” he said.